4. Speak To Me

Written by: Nichole Toms
Vocals by Kristen Elliott
Bass by Aron Teo Lee
Keyboards and Programming by Peter Bulanow
Recorded, Mixed, Mastered by Peter Bulanow
Produced by Peter Bulanow

We are broken sinful people. We often do not feel worthy to be in the presence of our Almighty God. We need to pray daily for the Lord to renew us with His strength and ask Him to give us eyes to see things how He sees them and not through the worlds lens.   We need God to be able to get through life’s struggles.  We need constant reminders that our past does not define us and that we are all new creations in Him.  When we worship God in all we do then He can shine through us and then others can know his glory.  We need to remember to praise God in any and all circumstances for it is when we are weak He is strong.


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(c) Kristen Elliott Music